Revox A77

Built from 1967 - 1977
The Revox A77 is still one of the It is still one of the most widely used, semi-professional analog tape machines. Approximately 450,000 units in countless variations have been built worldwide.
The device is considered particularly robust and easy to service. The professional design, with three motors and three sound heads, was well-received not only for home use, but also by many small recording studios and broadcasting companies. The following versions of the A77 were produced:


The success story began in 1967 with the first version of the A77. Despite some initial teething issues, the MK II was quickly introduced.
Following the success of tube tape machines, the Revox A77 was the first fully transistorized tape machine and was a huge success. The robustness, ease of use, and powerful sound speak volumes for the A77!
Revox A77 MK I with aluminum-coloured upper front panel, Premium-Hifi
Revox A77 MKII lower front panel, Premium-Hifi


Very quickly, in 1968 the MK II came onto the market.
The rigid deflection pin of the first version was replaced by a movable calming lever, loop catcher.
Untere Frontplatte Revox A77 MK II, Premium-Hifi


The biggest changes between the versions always concerned the appearance. The third version has a gray lower front panel, and the VU meters now have a silver scale and are illuminated.
The Revox A77 is often underestimated. The technology is very simple and therefore very robust. The A77 will outlast all other tape machines, and a well-serviced and adjusted A77 is the most powerful sounding Revox machine!
Revox A77 MK III, Premium-Hifi
Revox A77 MK IV, Premium-Hifi


The A77 MK IV, built from 1973 onwards, features silver buttons and a blue Revox logo. Technically, very little has changed in the 10 years of production. Nevertheless, the changes should not be ignored! This was and is true engineering masterpiece, the likes of which are unmatched today!
Revox A77 MK IV Dolby, tolles Gerät, Premium-Hifi
Technical data

Drive: 3 Papst outrunner motors
Electronically controlled capstan motor

Belt speeds:9.5 cm/s and 19 cm/sas a special version also with 19 cm/s and 38 cm/s

Pitch fluctuations:
at 19 cm/s better +/- 0.08%,
at 9.5 cm/s better +/- 0.1%

Frequency response across band:
30 Hz to 20 kHz + 2 dB to - 3 dB at 19 cm/s
30 Hz to 16 kHz + 2 dB to - 3 dB at 9.5 cm/s

Signal-to-noise ratio:
66 dB (2-track), 64 dB (4-track) at 19 cm/s
63 dB (2-track), 59 dB (4-track) at 9.5 cm/s
with Dolby:
67 dB (2-track), 65 dB (4-track) at 19 cm/s
64 dB (2-track), 62 dB (4-track) at 9.5 cm/s                                               

Spooling speed: approx. 8 m/s
Electronics:(Portable device) 54 transistors, 32 diodes, 4 silicon rectifiers, 1 photoresistor, 4 relays
Even back then, the information was incomprehensible to most users!

Power consumption: approx. 70 - 100 VA
Weight: 15 kg
Mass: 41.5 x 35.9 x 18.0 cm
Accessories for Revox A77

Cleaning kit for all brands of tape recorders, Premium-Hifi

Cleaning kit

In our experience, most recording or playback problems are caused by dirty tape heads and tape guides.
Wow and flutter and poor winding are also part of the error pattern!
Reinigungssatz für alle Bandmaschinen aller Marken von Premium-Hifi
more information

Dust cover

The rectangular dust cover is more common than the second variant, which also encloses the coils.
The rectangular cover encloses the entire upper and lower front and thus also protects all control elements.
Revox A77 with rectangular dust cover, Premium-Hifi
uns fehlen noch eigene Bilder, Premium-Hifi

Dust cover

The second version (photo to follow) also encloses the large 26 cm reels. However, the NAB adapters with cups don't fit underneath. The tape machine's control panels are also exposed here. If you still want to use high-quality NAB adapters under the hood, we recommend NAB adapters with an aluminum grip ring.
Staubschutzhaube für Revox A77, Premium-Hifi

NAB-Adapter mit Griffring 

So that you can operate the Revox A77 with a dust cover and high-quality NAB adapter, darklab magnetics has developed a NAB adapter with a grip ring.
Of course, these adapters also fit any other Studer or Revox tape machine!
NAB adapter with grip ring Premium-Hifi
Wired remote control for Revox A77 in the original packaging, Premium-Hifi

Wired remote control

The cable remote control may seem strange today, but it used to be a pure luxury.There were no other options! Ultrasound, infrared, or even smartphones—all that came later.
The remote control is extremely rare in its original packaging!
Kabelfernbedienung für Revox A77  in der Originalverpackung, Premium-Hifi

Band shears

A tape head cover with tape cutters was available as an accessory from Revox. This made gluing the tapes very easy.
Since it was rarely cut privately, ribbon scissors are also very rare to find.
Sound head cover with tape cutter for Revox A77, Premium-Hifi
On delay for Revox A77 from Premium-Hifi

Switch-on delay

from our development suitable for all Revox A77.Just plug in, no soldering (version 1), no screwing or anything else!
Does the loud popping noise when you turn on the Revox A77 bother you? Even worse are the loud pitches of the speakers. That's not good!
more information
Staubschutzhaube für Revox A77, Premium-Hifi
Spare parts for Revox A77


Very often the speedometer sensors break apart.The case is very brittle and sticks to the rubber mat, which in turn sticks to the chassis.
These sensors with the bell of the tone motor cause the mechanical whistling at 800 Hz or 1.6 kHz.
Tacho sensor for Revox A77, B77 and PR99 tone motors, capstan motors, Premium-Hifi
Tone motor for Revox A77 , Capstan motor, Premium-Hifi


The sound motors have a shorter sound motor shaft than the sound motors of the B77.
The motors are precision parts and should be treated accordingly. The shafts are ground to 1/1000 mm (1 µm)!
Tonmotor, Capsatnmotor für Revox A77, Premium-Hifi


The first counters still had gears, which made a lot of noise. Counters with toothed belts were then introduced. We offer suitable digital counters for all Revox A77, B77, and PR99 MK I with LED displays. These are much easier to read!
mechanical counter for Revox A77, Premium-Hifi
VU-Meter für Studer Revox A77, Premium-Hifi

VU meter

The Revox A77's VU meters are also highly sensitive precision components and should be handled with extreme care. The older VU meters, in particular, are falling apart. Sometimes the needle is off, sometimes the magnet is stuck.
VU-Meter für Revox A77, Premium-Hifi

Tone heads

Nowhere is there so much fraudulent activity as with clay heads! Lapped heads are sold as new or as good as new. Then elsewhere, it's claimed that a 5 mm diameter is desired, and so on.
If you need used brains, then only from trustworthy business partners!
two 4-track sound heads, Premium-Hifi
Replacement relay for Revox A77 Record-Relay-PCB, Premium-Hifi

Relay replacement

Many original components are no longer available or are ancient! If components are no longer available, we try to reproduce them. We always strive to be as close to the original as possible.In 2008, these relays were created in the highest quality, suitable for many Revox devices.
Ersatzrelais von Premium-Hifi, für Revox A77  Record-Relais-PCB
more information

Counter 77

In 2003, the first counter for the Revox A77 and B77 was developed. Previously, a counter was developed for cutting cables up to 100 m long. By selecting the color filters, you can choose from seven colors. The display is four digits, just like the Revox counter. Leading zeros can be suppressed as desired..
to counter 77
Counter 77 for Revox A77, B77 and PR99, Premium-Hifi
Rubber pressure roller, sintered bronze bearing for Revox A77 from with sintered bronze bearing, Premium-Hifi

Andruckrolle A77

The Revox A77's pinch rollers have an 11 mm shaft length. Many people use B77 pinch rollers with two 1 mm washers. This leads to significant wow and flutter. It's a shame for the recordings made this way.
Gummi Andruckrolle für Revox A77 mit Sinterbronzelager von Premium-Hifi
We use only sintered bronze bearings and genuine rubber. The pressure rollers are ground round in the final step. This is the only way we can still meet Revox's specifications and requirements.


WWe offer high-quality repair and capacitor kits for all Revox A77 circuit boards and many other Revox devices. All our kits include assembly plans and component lists.
various sets for almost all Revox devices, Premium-Hifi
revised and tested circuit boards, Revox A77, Premium-Hifi

circuit boards

We can also offer you parts from our repair stock for the Revox A77. All circuit boards are complete, serviced according to our high standards, and pre-adjusted in the test unit. Final calibration must be performed on the unit at your location. You receive a one-year warranty on the circuit boards we offer!
Revox A77 Leiterplatten, revidiert und geprüft, mit Premium-Hifi-Garantie

Transistor 2N3584

the advantages of original spare parts...
...nothing needs to be adapted, no adjustments! Simply swap, connect, and you're done! Where possible, we use the right original part.
Unfortunately, this transistor is no longer available. However, we do have replacements in TO220 packages!

Transistors for Revox, Revox A77, Premium-Hifi
other Revox tape recorders

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